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Added on : 25-04-2020

The Arambol Diaries

A community of wandering artists and musicians who come together from different parts of the globe to the small beachside village of Arambol in Goa- and with their confluence- create music and magic.

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    Added on : 04-02-2020
    This series follows and documents music performers as they make their way on stage, to perform to an audience. Exploring the thrill of being on stage.

    On Stage

    This series follows and documents music performers as they make their way on stage, to perform to an audience. Exploring the thrill of being on stage.

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    Added on : 21-01-2020


    ‘Toolbox’ is our ongoing series on artists, tinkerers and innovators in the music scene today, where we document their process and see the world within which they function is.

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    Added on : 05-01-2020
    The Musicians of Saarang

    The Musicians of Saarang

    We document music at ‘Saarang’ the prestigious annual college band competition at IIT Madras in Chennai, 2019.

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      Added on : 26-05-2018

      Lick of the Week with Jay Matharu

      Jay Matharu is a music teacher based in Upsalla, Sweden who has designed a series a videos to teach and give ideas about guitar patters, motifs and ‘licks’, in this 7 part series in collaboration with Instrupad.


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